Friday, July 31, 2009

Memorial Day BBQ

You're probably wondering why there is a Memorial Day posting in July, right? Well, just got the pictures from my friend. This was where Nick learned his bottle-opening skills as witnessed in an earlier posted video.

We went to the McMillin's house in Tustin and had a yummy BBQ. Lots of good food and - of course - beer. Here is the youngest kid of the group (Nick) with the oldest (Sean). Nick is just chillin' with his own cocktail...

Sean stole the camera from his Mom, Dina, and snapped a few shots of Nick. Sean & his brother, Evan, are so great with Nick - and Nick loves them too!

Here are all the ladies in the kitchen. From left to right, Betsy, me, Dina, Margaret, Christy, Bonnie, um-McMillin-family-friend-whose-name-I-can't-remember, and Anna.

Nick with his "cool" shades opening Mommy's beer...

And a shot of the two of us - we don't have many of those! And he's smiling! His eyes are a little buggy, but that's ok!

We do hire Nick out as a bartender now, just contact me if you need one!

1 comment:

Alison said...

LOVE that shot of the two of you. You look beautiful J! And N... is such an adorable toe-head!!