Monday, March 2, 2009

Spring Training Begins

Yesterday Daddy & Nick hit up Toys R Us to pick up a few toys (always dangerous...) One of Nick's new favorite toys is his baseball & baseball tee. He is getting pretty good at it too!

Look at that form!

He also liked ordering "Mommy do it!!" or "Daddy do it!!" He found it particularly funny if the ball ended up in the ivy or on the street.

Nick was happy to retrieve the ball if it stayed on the grass. However, if it went in the dirt, under a plant, etc., he'd say "Icky yucky. Mommy get it." Humph, thanks, kid.

Other toys purchased included another type of baseball & baseball bat, bowling and hockey sticks. And Nick likes each and every one. (And, not to mention, so does Daddy!!)

1 comment:

Romios Family said...

Dude, I say we meet up at Spring Training in Arizona next year...we are already going...

Any chance you are coming up for Opening Day? I know it is doubtful, just thought I would ask. I think we are going to go and try to take both kids (gulp.) I mean, not that the second one is here yet. ARGH!