Friday, March 20, 2009

Oh no! Stitches!!

Well, we knew it would happen. As a our friend Dot said, we thought it would be while playing hockey, baseball or football. Not to mention, we thought it would be long after his second birthday!! But, nope. Nick's first stitches came while he was one month shy of his second birthday. And it was a result of running in the classroom, tripping and whacking his chin on the table. This happened barely fifteen minutes after I dropped him off. I hadn't even gotten back home/work when the call came in. So, off to the ER we went. As with any visit to the ER, the whole process took a long time, but we changed sceneries enough that Nick didn't go too nutty (Mommy, on the other hand, was certifiably nutso by the time we left).

Throughout most of our wait, he was asking all sorts of questions. At one point, he asked a question (I have no idea what the question was) and the answer was Doctor. After I answered him, he leaned forward and yelled loudly "Doctor!!!" Nice kid, way to get some service! However, had he known was was coming, he probably would've kept his mouth shut!!

He did really well with everything - this included a "papoose" (think Nick-burrito), a shot for numbing and the stitches themselves. He did cry, but stayed perfectly still in his "papoose" - and the big, burly orderly they had come over to help if he started thrashing about even commented about what a great kid he was & how well he was doing. Yay Nick!!

He wasn't the happiest of campers just after it all went down, but after a long nap that started in the car on the way home, he was back to normal. Asking for peaches and pears, of course. Needless to say, I let him have them.

Here are a couple of pictures - they're not too graphic. That's a little piece of pear on his lip in the first picture.

As of right now (24 hours+ later), he doesn't even realize they are there. We go back tomorrow for a 'wound check' and then back to take them out (I hope) on Tuesday. He'll be a pro in no time!! And Mommy has decided that they need a bar in the ER for parents of toddlers. It would have been quite nice to have a shot of something after all of that. Sheesh. Here's hoping that the next set of stitches will be many YEARS away!!

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