Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Last night we were all playing in the living room with Nick's hockey sticks, bowling ball and pins (why does the "Mom" in me worry about the future of our living room windows??? Not to mention the fact that dear Daddy taught Nick how to swing the hockey stick with TWO hands, thus creating a much more forceful hit... hmmm...) Anyway, we were setting up the pins and counting them as we set them up. Kevin decides he'd count them in Spanish too. Why not, right? Nick caught on pretty quickly and loved blurting out "Cinco!" at the proper time.

Why is this "blog-worthy" you ask? Fast forward an hour or so later... while Kevin was attempting to get Nick to sleep last night, Nick had his head on Daddy's shoulder, just about to drop off when... up pops his head and he blurts out "Cinco!!" Head back on shoulder and asleep a few minutes later. That little brain just keeps on churning...

I need to get pictures or videos of these things. But Nick has begun to think of me as paparazzi or something. Each time I break out the camera or Flip video, he says "No Mommy, no camera" and will hold his hand up trying to grab the camera away. Like I'm going to put them on a blog or something! I mean, really. Sheesh.

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