Saturday, July 16, 2011

Irish Time!!

We are never ones to miss a fun festival, especially an Irish one.  So we headed down to Irvine to hit up the Annual Irish Festival.  Nick fell asleep in the car on the way down (which was sort of our plan).  We just moved him into his stroller so he could continue napping while we found the Guinness booth.

Here are Christy & TJ - they're both wearing skirts!!

That is a full-grown man snoozing on a full-grown dog.  A BIG Irish Wolfhound.  Nick thought they were super cool.  He was a little hesitant to pet them at first, but once he did, he kept talking about how much he wanted one (so does Mommy!!)

Here is Nick with Rowan & Riley - they have so much fun together, love it!!

Lots of fun at the Festival, as always!!

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