Thursday, July 7, 2011

Baseball, Easter and Legos - of course!!

After the Egg Hunt (see previous post), we headed down to San Diego with Christy, TJ, Rowan & Riley. We decided to hit up the Padre game that evening. We got seats in the "Family" section, which are bleachers with grass and a sand pit for the kids to play in - perfect!! Here is Nick with the girls (who changed into their Padre gear).

A rare picture of Kevin & I. Who is playing? The Padres and Phillies? Who cares? Go Giants! (And Packers, too!)

The game was fun - the Padres lost (which was fine with us). After the game, we grabbed a late snack and then waited (for what seemed like forever) for the trolley to take us back to the hotel. Have to say, I do love Petco Park - a nice place to watch a game.

The next day was Easter. Our friends Joel, Hope & Emma were also in San Diego - they'd actually gone to the game the night before as well. They were staying up in Carlsbad at the resort right next to Legoland. So we headed up there to meet them for Easter Brunch. Um, tasty!!!

The kids had all sorts of good breakfast food (so did the parents) and also had some candy (of course!) Here is Emma with a HUGE Easter lolly-pop.

Here is Nick with a lolly-pop that Emma bought for him at Disneyland.

The resort had an Easter Bunny touring the restaurant saying hello to all the kids. Nick has never been a big fan of life-size Easter Bunnies (or any life-size characters, really). He did OK with this one, but certainly didn't get too close.

Love his expression in this picture - "Yea, I don't know. Looks a little freaky to me, Mommy"

Kevin & Joel representing their championship teams - Giants & Packers.

After brunch, all of us headed down to Legoland. It was a quick walk from the resort - good thing too, we needed to work off our brunch. It had been raining that morning, but by the time we'd left, the rain had stopped.

In addition to some rides & such, Legoland has all these exhibits of things made out of - can you guess? - Legos. Here is the recreation of the San Francisco city-scape - all Legos!

I doubt this needs a caption...

Bob the Builder is in the house...

As well as Wendy... (there was also a live Bob the Builder character taking pictures with kids, but, as mentioned above, Nick isn't too keen on the live characters that walk around, so no picture for him).

Here is Nick on one of the toddler-oriented rides. He kept saying "Go horsey, go!"

They also have a roller coaster for bigger kids. Unfortunately for me, Nick just cleared the height minimum so he wanted to go on. UGH. I do not like roller coasters much, but what are you going to do. Of course we were put in the first car in the front row. There was a big hill right off the bat. I decided to watch Nick versus what was coming up. There was a hysterical picture that was taken on the way down the hill. You know, the ones that are set-up by the park and then you can buy it for some crazy amount of money. It was me with my head turned to look at Nick. And Nick with a look of utter fear on his face. It was GREAT - ALMOST good enough to buy, but we didn't. After seeing the look on his face, I thought well, we won't be going on another one anytime soon. So I asked Nick, did you have fun? And he said - with a huge smile - yea, Mommy, that was FUN!! Great.

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