Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Iron Chef America, watch out!!

Nick has become OBSESSED with helping in the kitchen. He loves to get whatever he can out of the 'fridge, prepare it and, of course, eat it. As soon as he walks in the door from day care he says, "Mommy, can I help you cook grapes?" He then proceeds to the refrigerator and gets to work. We let him use a plastic knife so he can cut his grapes.

Soon he'll be making us full five-course meals. At least I hope so.

(He also likes helping Daddy make his drinks - gets the ice, pours the Jack Daniels, etc. But we figured it would be best to leave that OFF video in case someone reports us to CPS!!)


Romios Family said...

You are so good at drawing him into a conversation - and he follows directions so well! I LOVE the 1st lunch answer. Awesome.

Nick, Jocelyn and Kevin said...

:) And the funny thing is, we've never taken him to Del Taco. So I assume he heard it on TV or something. Grrreeeeaaatttt... soon he'll be yelling VIAGRA!!!