Monday, December 28, 2009

Cars!!! Otherwise known as Christmas 2009

This was our first year of spending Christmas at our own house (and not to mention Kevin's first Christmas in California!!) Although we've gotten trees even when we haven't been here for the holiday-proper, it was nice waking up in our own place and opening presents in front of our tree. Well, I should say watching Nick open presents.

I think as children we think Christmas is all about OUR presents and as we grow up & have kids of our own, we realize that yes, it really is all about the kid-presents. I think Kevin & I had maybe two presents each. While Nick, well, let's just say he has plenty to keep him entertained for some time!

On Christmas Eve, we put out cookies for Santa and carrots for his reindeer. We actually did this quite early as we were going to a friend's house for dinner and Nick would likely fall asleep before we got home.

While I am sure this will change in the coming years, Nick didn't remember that Santa was supposed to come when he woke up on Christmas morning. This was nice as we were able to eat some breakfast and drink some coffee before we launched into opening-present-mode. So mid-morning, we asked Nick if Santa came. Here is the video of what took place after.

We did take any still pictures as we were too busy untying twist ties, putting in batteries, etc., etc. But the video is a good representation of how the rest of the morning went. Nick LOVED all his presents and we think he's pretty darn lucky to have so many people that care about him!!

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