Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Now that Nick is Mr. Chatterbox, he says some pretty funny things. Here are a few choice ones lately:

At the dinner table last night, "discussing" flying dinosaurs:

Mommy: Can Mommy fly, Nick?
Nick: No, Mommy you're too big (thanks, kid)
Mommy: Can Daddy fly, Nick?
Nick: No, Daddy too big
Mommy: Can Nick fly?
Nick: Yeah, I'm little!!

This morning on the way to day care:

Nick: Mommy, you need to SLOW DOWN (for the record, I was going well under the speed limit. I think.)

Upon seeing a fireman on top of the fire station:

Nick: He's looking for the fire truck, Mommy!!

I don't think the fireman found his truck up there...

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