Thursday, October 22, 2009

Oktoberfest 2009!!!

Hard to believe it was a little over a year ago that we moved down here and experienced our first Alpine Village Oktoberfest!! But I'm so glad we discovered it and we'll be back each year for sure! Nick was a little more interested in things this time around and could partake in more of the goodies. He also had his buddies, Rowan & Riley to keep him company.

The band gettin' down with the common folk...

Nick observing the tuba player wondering why Mommy doesn't tell HIM to get off the table like she makes Nick do...

Time for tasty treats!

Mastering his fork & knife skills...

Still not old enough for a stein of beer, but this big bottle of water is close!

Christy & TJ and the girls. The girls are donning their chicken hats - they were quite appropriate for the chicken dance!!

Christy & TJ modeling their shirts - there were lots of those chants throughout the day!!!

The ladies with their steins - just like the good ole days at UCSB!!

Mom & Dad enjoying having Nick entertained by Rowan and Riley.

I wish I had gotten a video of Nick RACING around. And I mean he was running at full speed. The poor girls were chasing him all over and would come back to the table panting. Too funny. They also had a bounce house that Nick surprisingly went down once - the second time it was too crowded so he stayed on solid ground.

I do think that from the looks Nick was giving us during the chicken dance, that he thinks we are all crazy.

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