Thursday, August 27, 2009

We partied like it was 1929!!!

Last weekend the D-tell's hosted a fab (if I do say so myself) party at Chez Desotell. We called it the "Mutt Party" because we really had a hodge-podge of reasons why we threw the party (aside from the obvious one that it's just fun!) Our wedding anniversary was August 13, we closed on our first house that same day, our house was built 80 years ago and it's summer, so why not? To go with the fact that our house was built in 1929, we decided to make it a 20's theme and asked people to come dressed up. We, of course, had plenty of food and PLENTY of cocktails - I mean, you can't have a 20's party without some hooch...

So here is the food spread... there was more in the kitchen along with the bar (no pictures of it this time, darn it!)

A close-up of the prosciutto-mozzarella-tomato-basil skewer thingies that I spent what seemed like forever putting together...

The hostess - it's hard to tell, but the dress is fun - layers of material, similar to a flapper-type dress. Alas, I do not have a picture with my shoes - I LOVED my shoes.

Here are the two of us - we bought hats for all the guys and beads & headpieces for all the ladies.

A great picture of Dina & Hillary...

Dina in her outfit... gorgeous dress!!

Scott, Betsy, Laurent and Hillary - note the appropriate martini in my great martini glasses!!

Betsy in her fab dress - perfect fringe for the party!!

Hill & Laurent - he looks like he's planning something sneaky...

So although it was a 20's theme, it wasn't just a reference to the 1920's. The invitation also said that you could dress up in something you wore when YOU were 20. So, here are Margaret, Jon and TJ in their "20's" garb. Jon & TJ both spent the majority of their twenties either surfing, swimming or playing water polo. So they spent a lot of time with a towel wrapped around their waist. And, yep, they were even wearing Speedo's. (Note the Bartles & Jaymes wine coolers - blech! They are still here in our house. Something tells me that they will continue to visit many houses in this area before they are finished...)

Mark & Susy in their twenties garb - love the side pony-tail!

We all had a blast - Nick was there & was having fun playing with Rowan & Riley until his bedtime. Then off to bed he went and stayed asleep for the rest of the night while all the adults enjoyed themselves!

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