PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT: BACK-UP YOUR COMPUTERS!!! Don't let what happened to us happen to you. After we returned from Christmas, the laptop that contained ALL of Nick's pictures since birth died. Off it went to HP and they had to replace the hard drive and we lost everything. Thankfully Shutterfly, which is where we have a lot of pictures, offers an archive DVD service so we can order one with all the pictures we've loaded there. And I've also downloaded the pictures from this very blog. So we've saved some of them, but certainly not all. I'm choosing not to think about those, as it just makes me cry.
So, there. Do it now. And if you don't have the ability to do it, figure out a way - buy an external hard drive, use an on-line service, something. Don't put it off like I did.
OK. On to more light-hearted fare.
Here is Nick with his little Christmas tree. Or as he calls them, "Mis-mis tree". He liked this one as he could pick it up, carry it around and play with it. I think this helped keep his "tampering" with the big tree to a minimum.
One of the many attempts at Christmas card photos...
This one was an option, but we decided against it. First of all, he looks rather annoyed with us (and, really, wouldn't you be if someone kept putting stuff on you and taking your picture?) And second, it has our dish drainer in the background. Not exactly holiday-ish.
So here he is with the 'big tree'. He did really well - he would just reach out and touch the branches or the lights and pretty much leave it alone. Granted we didn't put on all our ornaments on it, but that's OK, it still looked like a Christmas tree.
This picture reminds me of that movie, 'The Blair Witch Project'. I think he's scared of Mommy following him around with a Santa hat, Christmas tree and a camera.
And, the winner! Here was the photo we ended up using on the card. Kevin took this one - he had much better luck than I did. Mommy is too serious - Daddy makes it fun. Humph.
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