Monday, December 1, 2008

Turkey Day in Green Bay

The Desotell Family currently flip-flops holidays between Green Bay and Spokane - this year it was Thanksgiving in Green Bay. Kevin headed out early for the yearly hunt. And, being the animal lover that I am - the deer won - yay! (Sorry, honey!!)

So I was the lucky one who got to fly out to Chicago on her own with Nick. We flew on Southwest Airlines. I've always hated Southwest, but dang it if they don't keep doing things to win me over. This time they had a DJ set-up at LAX to keep all the passengers entertained. They also had a balloon-animal-maker person (what are they called anyway???) So Nick got his Turkey balloon and was quite happy.

The timing of the flight was perfect and Nick slept for over half the flight. And after he woke up, I had enough toys, books and snacks to keep him happy for the rest of the flight. Phew!

Nick's Aunt Cindy and Uncle Mike were kind enough to let us stay with them while we were in Green Bay - it was great and SO much better than staying at a hotel! Thanks Mike & Cindy!!

In Green Bay, they have a Wildlife Sanctuary that is pretty cool. So we bundled up and headed over there to see the wildlife. The last time we were there, the family of wolves numbered at about seven. This time there were only two wolves - not sure what happened to the other five. Let's hope they're out prowling around, eating tasty venison. Here is a quick pic - doesn't do them justice; they're huge and quite amazing!

Nick hitched a ride for a good portion of the park.

But we - I should say - Kevin - got tired of being the baby carrier and down he went.

I tried to convince him to walk on the snow with me, but he would have none of it.

There were a bunch of geese and ducks by one of the lakes (don't geese fly south for the winter? Hmmm...) Nick HAD to check them out - ducks are one of his favorite animals and they're usually the only resident on Old MacDonald's Farm when Nick sings it.

Note that he quickly forgot that he didn't want to walk on the snow...

Nick decided that he would "feed" the ducks & geese leaves. Since he was wearing mittens, he figured out that he had to press them between his mittened-hands in order to pick them up.

All that walking around, quacking and feeding is pretty tiring...

How is that possibly comfortable???

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