Monday, November 3, 2008

Tigger says Happy Halloween!!

So Nick was Tigger for Halloween this year - and a cute one at that! We decided he is still too young to take Trick-or-Treating this year, so we stayed at home to answer the door - or so we thought. It turns out that since our part of the neighborhood is sort of cut off from the main part by two main roads & a railroad track, most of the T-or-T'ers stay on the other side of Torrance Blvd. where they have access to more loot. Good that we didn't have to get up multiple times to answer the door or have Nick woken up by the doorbell, but bad that now we have a TON of candy to, um, discard of...

At Nick's Day Care they had a Halloween Parade and a little party after for the kids and parents. Nick was able to do a little Trick-or-Treating between classrooms, so - not to fear - he did get to do a little. Unfortunately since Mommy was with Nick in the parade and Daddy was scrambling through traffic to get there, we don't have any pics of the parade.

Here is the perfect example of Nick's attitude when Mommy gets out the camera.

A full-length shot of little Tigger. And, for those of you that are wondering but are too polite to ask, yes, there is padding in that tummy! He's a big boy, but not THAT big!!

Nick keeping an eye on another student dressed as Elmo. Elmo can be sneaky and you gotta keep an eye on your snacks.

Speaking of snacks, here is Nick with his. Note the LOVELY fruit salad on his plate made by one Tigger-Mommy.

Nick apparently likes to help himself to other students' fruit when they are not looking. Heck, even when they are looking. The evidence - climbing over the table attempting to steal someone else's grapes (who said only Elmo's can be sneaky?)

In an attempt to help keep fruit stealing from becoming an class-wide epidemic, Mommy tries to avert the theft by sticking a spoonful of fruit into Nick's mouth. This only worked temporarily and children were "relieved" of their fruit as the afternoon went on...

Back at the ranch, Nick checks out Mommy's pumpkin carving skills.

Not to be outdone, Nick takes on his own pumpkin artwork project using (thankfully washable) markers.

Clearly Mommy's pumpkins are not up to Nick's standards and decides to add a few of his own touches.

Nick trying to convince Daddy that, yes, he IS old enough to go Trick-or-Treating so come get me immediately as I am NOT going down those stairs!

He did 'cruise' the neighborhood in his Tigger Moblie (aka stroller) but had no interest in ringing doorbells. I mean, why ask for food when you can just steal it, right?

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