Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Running the bases Part Deux - Father's Day!!

It just so happens that we had the tickets to the Giants game for Father's Day this year - I suppose we should just make it tradition. Mother's Day & Father's Day both spent at the Park. So, as they did with the Mom's, the Park let the Dads run the bases with their kids. Nick's nap was a short one that day, so he was a little unstable on his little feet, but he stuck it out and made it around with Daddy just fine.

Lou Seal may have already called it a day before we got on the field - the line was very long!

It was rather annoying - the game was one of the Bay Bridge series games so there were a ton of A's fans there. They really should only let Giants fans run the bases (I think I'm just a bit bitter because the A's swept the series from the Giants - sigh).

As they came home Nick & Kevin saw me - Kevin clearly knows how to play to the camera. Nick could care less - way too many other things to look at.

I think Kevin secretly wanted Nick to slide into home plate, but, alas, too many people in the way.

As we were heading out of the park, the ushers were handing out See's Candies chocolate suckers to the kids. Lucky for Kevin, the usher who was to hand us Nick's saw that Nick was too little to eat a sucker (although I'd bet Nick would argue that point), so she gave it to Kevin instead.

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