Monday, March 21, 2011


While we were in Phoenix for Spring Training we also managed to take a few of the sights. One of Nick's favorite things to point out were cactus. It became a game - who can find the first cactus? We hit the mother lode here.

Since the game we went to on Monday was a night game, we took the day to hit up the Phoenix Zoo. Once Nick got a snack in him (Mr. Grumpy Pants was with us when we first got there) he decided that riding the animals was more fun than seeing them.

I could NOT get a picture of the dang tiger. He kept moving around and I kept moving to catch him... bah.

Lion? Much easier.

Nick got a kick out of the flamingos. "Mommy, where are their heads?"

So after we explained how flamingos nap, he decided to do his own interpretation.

The Zoo has an area where you can walk in and mingle among the monkeys. So, theoretically, if a monkey wanted to jump on your shoulder, he could. Thankfully, the monkeys could care less that we were there and we were not attacked. Not sure how I felt about that exhibit - I think I prefer a less interactive experience.

Here begins the "I want you to take a picture of me on every animal I can sit on, near or in front of, Mommy." Mixed in with Kevin's claim of "I can smile more than you can!!" - it made for some fun pictures.

Komodo dragon:

Kangaroo pouch:


Wart hog:



The only reason he is not ON the rocks is that there is a sign that says "No climbing on the rocks" behind him.




This one cracks me up. I had to do a little convincing to get him to climb into the shell (he was worried it was going to close on him).

They had a farm set-up with tractors, cows, etc. They had a petting area too, which Nick loved. Didn't get any pictures though.

A cow milking demo.

The elephants hanging out.

Nick loves carousels, so of course...

A day running around the zoo can be exhausting - especially after all that smiling. Nick was kind enough to nap while Mommy & Daddy had a relaxing glass of wine & snacks.

Caught him right when he woke up. Mean Mommy.

We also went to the Arizona Science Center. That was very fun - lots of cool exhibits for kids big and small. They had a huge nose that was set-up to demonstrate a sneeze. You'd stand in front of it and you'd hear the sneeze build up - and then it would sneeze and little foam balls would come flying out. It was hysterical and Nick LOVED it. Alas, no pictures. Oh well, next time.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

It's spring! (well, almost) And that means, baseball!

For the first time, the D-clan headed to the desert to see the Giants in action during Spring Training. In retrospect, I'm not sure why we haven't done this before. Arizona had perfect weather - not too hot yet ('cuz this Momma does NOT deal well with heat...) and cool in the evenings. We were there for a total of three nights and caught two games at Scottsdale Stadium, the Giants' home for Cactus League play.

When we got there, Gaylord Perry was signing autographs. Neither of us are into the whole autograph thing, so I just took a picture.

We were lucky enough to catch one of the games where the World Series trophy was visiting. Thankfully the line wasn't too long and we were able to get our picture taken before the game started. They took one with your own camera and an "official" one (which, since I am a sucker, I purchased as well.) Here is the one from my camera:

Here is Nick with the "official" picture. They're both pretty good, actually.

Rather than purchasing actual seats, we just bought general admission seats - turned out to be a great idea. We found a concrete block that was behind about a five foot swath of grass, which was behind the right field fence. The woman who we ended up sitting next to on said concrete block was kind enough to inform us that the ushers don't allow people to stand at the wall while the ball was in play. So the whole grass area was clear in front of us. And, in between innings, Nick could run around, play catch, etc. PERFECT!!

We were right next to the Giants bullpen. When we got our seats set up, we saw Buster Posey (2010 Rookie of the Year) warming up the starting pitcher for the day...

...Tim Lincecum (yay!!)

Our view of the field. The one bad thing about these seats is that you can't see deep center or part of left field. However, it wasn't so bad as since people couldn't stand in front of you, when the ball was hit out there, everyone just stands up, runs to the wall and looks to the right to catch the play. So I'm not really complaining. (Also a very quick walk to bathroom, food & drinks. And did you know they still sell beer in the stands, unlike AT&T Park?! And good beer too!!)

You could look right into the Giants bullpen. Here is Brian Wilson aka "Fear the Beard" hanging out. He actually pitched one inning this game - struck out the side.

Cody Ross "The Boss" playing right field.

This picture is from the night game we went to the next day. Nick desperately wanted a baseball. So, again - being the sucker that I am - we went to the store and I was "convinced" to purchase a ball, a Panda stuffed ball (he likes Kung Fu Panda, aka Pablo Sandoval) and a Giants Matchbox car. Yup, sucker. But seriously, look how happy!!!

We had SUCH a great time at the games. One of the security guards gave Nick one of the home run balls from batting practice - he was THRILLED. And, the icing - the Giants won both games. Without torture even. Can't wait for the season to start!!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

If it's not Scottish it's crap!!

In February, we headed down to Long Beach to go to the Scottish Festival. It was held in the harbor where the Queen Mary is docked. Admission included access to the ship as well, so it was well worth it!

We got there just in time to grab a spot inside the beer garden to watch the parade. This picture sort of cracks me up. A piper in full attire chatting with the police in a hummer... you know those Scots, they can get out of hand if you let them.

The parade got underway. They had a set of pipes and drums for a bunch of different clans.

Don't worry - didn't take a picture of each clan!

That's Nick's head at the bottom of the picture - he has his jacket hood up. It was very sunny, but still a bit chilly. You can see he had a prime viewing spot.

We called this one the McRagTag Clan.

Nick *loved* all the pipes and drums.

Yummmm, meat pies... And yes, there was haggis. I did not try it. Our friend Scott (McMillin, of course) was going to try it, but by the time we got back over there they were out. Um, darn?

The hull of the ship. Sadly, the only one I got of the whole darn thing!

I wish I had taken a few more pictures. They had Scottish games (really big men throwing really big things as far as they could) and a sheep dog demonstration. One of the funniest things was when the sheep went on their "break". They went into a horse trailer and the kids were allowed to go pet them if they wanted to. So, of course, Nick wanted to check them out. He at first insisted that I hold him, but in a matter of minutes (seconds, really), he was practically climbing into the trailer with them.

We also got to do some whiskey tasting - yum! Kevin & I, not Nick. Although that might have gotten him down for his nap... hmm... maybe next year!