Yes, we were some of the lucky people that got to experience a true tsunami evacuation process while on our lovely vacation to Hawaii. We had a great trip - even with the evacuation - and have a MILLION pictures. So, thought I'd start with a "teaser" post. (Well, it's also because I'm lazy, still receiving pictures from Mom and haven't downloaded my pictures from my camera yet. Whatever. Details.)
These are from my iPhone and are easy to upload. Yes, I know, this furthers the "I'm lazy" reasoning.
On the way over to Hawaii (yay for direct LAX-KOA flights!!), Nick had fun playing with the headphones (and trying to get Mommy's iPhone).

DJ Nick Rock getting ready to watch Cars.

After about 15 minutes of his movie, he decides that he doesn't need his headphones anymore and about 10 minutes after that... zzzzz... yay!!

If you have read earlier posts on Nick's beach experience, let's just say they haven't been good ones. So Nick was not at all willing to go into the water when we first got to the beach. But, after a lot of coaxing and convincing, in he went. And did NOT want to leave.

He ran back and forth through the water, having a fabulous time splashing and kicking water and plopping down. It was great fun (except maybe not so much for Kevin who had to follow Nick back and forth... I had to keep near our stuff, of course!!)

A Monday Mai Tai lunch for Mommy & Daddy...

And a Tuesday evening Mai Tai night cap by the ocean!

Nick snoozing in his stroller while we had - yes, you guessed it - more Mai Tai's.

On Tsunami Evacuation Day, I decided this would be a good shirt to wear...

What Nick did while the rest of us wondered if the coast line would be there in a few hours...

More pictures to come. Well, as soon as I stop being lazy. Or busy. Or whatever.